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Terrorism by Sweden:

- War: Sweden's crucial role in supplying Nazi Germany iron ore and military facilities. The Swedish government was responsible for the most iron ore the Nazis received. These massive deliveries of iron ore and military facilities from Sweden to Nazi Germany lengthened World War II. Casualties of the war have been estimated at 20 million killed in Europe. How many of them died due to Sweden's material support to Nazi Germany?

- Dark secret: the Swedish drinking toast (skál) has a rather macabre background; it originally meant skull. The word has come down from a custom practiced by the terrorist Vikings who used the dried-out skulls of their enemies as drinking mugs. The swedish word for 'cheers' came from olden day slaying of people and the associated use of the top of the skull as a drinking vessel.

- Racism: Sweden is silently pursuing principles of racial purity. During 41 years, some 60,000 people were sterilized as misfits who did not meet the ideal of the blond, blue-eyed, stupid Scandinavian.

- Death: the Swedes executed at least 460 Finns in the spring 1918.


Luigi  |  22/09/2005 12:09:14

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